This Feminist Knows It's Cold Outside & Secretly Wants To Stay

I am a feminist and I’m not angry about the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside” being played on the radio (unpopular opinion, but I actually like this song. Yeah, I said it!). I don’t believe Santa Claus should be a female or gender neutral, and I don’t care that snowmen are snowmen, although could we get more snow ladies in the making?


I am a feminist and I am angry that a poor young woman who was kidnapped and forced to into sex trafficking is serving life in prison for killing her kidnapper while a college age white male who drugged and raped a girl gets off with a $400 fine so “his life isn’t ruined.” To be clear to all the nonbelievers, YES I understand that Cyntoia Brown murdered someone. I’m not dumb and that’s not the point. The point is that we live in a society where if a sex worker gets raped, the man who raped her gets off clean while she goes to jail for being a prostitute. The point is that we live in a society where if Cyntoia Brown didn’t bring justice upon this man herself, we don’t know that he would ever be justifiably punished for his wrong doings.

I am a feminist and I believe in equal rights for men and women, and no this does not mean I hate men (that is misandry. LEARN WORDS). I love men. I don’t particularly trust men, but that has more to do with my abandonment and abusive history with men than my feminist views. But if it did have something to do with my feminist views, could you blame me? We live in a time where a man who openly sexually harasses and demeans women is our president. We live in a time where a white male can get away with drugging and raping a female because his white male judge said it would be unfair to his future otherwise? (not a question, just confused).

I am a feminist and I believe in the empowerment of women and lifting each other up, not tearing each other down. We live in a time where a strong force of women are creating movements like “me too” and are then being mocked by more (or less) fortunate women about needing a “safe space”.

I am a feminist who likes to shave her legs and wear lipstick. These things make me feel powerful. However, I also have so much love and respect for the women who do not like these things. The women who don’t shave and don’t wear makeup are just as beautiful as the ones who do, and to hell with you for thinking otherwise.

I am a feminist and I believe that not all women are equal to men until ALL women are equal.

I am a feminist who believes in chivalry. Can I open doors myself? Of course I can. I have hands. Do I need to open the door myself? No. In fact I love it when men open a door for me or offer to walk on the outside of a sidewalk. Hear that, fellas?!

I am a feminist who does not feel the need to replace ‘e’ or ‘a’ with an ‘x’ or a ‘y’ in the words woman or women, but I support those who do.

I am a feminist who believes that men and women deserve workplace equality and equal pay. Do I believe men and women both have something to offer in their own special ways? Yes. Do I believe women can be just as qualified as men and that we deserve a chance to prove it? Also Yes.

I am a feminist and I care about real women’s issues. I do not care about the gender of fictional characters and mounds snowflakes. And really, what IS in that drink and can I get some? Because getting through the holidays is tough.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, if you hear something outlandish and crazy and it’s being labeled as FEMINISM, then it’s probably not a feminist value. And when you see these obscene arguments floating around the internet, it’s typically a distraction from something bigger.

Now please stop trying to ruin the holiday season & Merry Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate) ya filthy animals!