5 Tips for Creative Professionals

Are you a creative professional? Do you ever feel undermined by your personal creative process? Do you ever feel like a fraud? Do you feel like the only one in your field faking it ‘til you make it?! I’m here to let you know that you’re not the only one who feels this way. You can make anything happen. You know what you’re doing. I personally know that these thoughts can be hard to believe…

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So This Is 30

“So this is 30…what’s all the big fuss about? I’m actually excited to turn 30. A new, important chapter of my life. Kissing my 20’s good-bye. Feeling more confident and comfortable with myself than ever. This is going to be great!” Suddenly it hits me. It’s no longer just a concept, I am actually 30. I begin to tear up. “Are these tears of joy or sadness? Am I having a second quarter-life crisis? Here I am today, 30 fucking years old.”

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