So This Is 30

“So this is 30…what’s all the big fuss about? I’m actually excited to turn 30. A new, important chapter of my life. Kissing my 20’s good-bye. Feeling more confident and comfortable with myself than ever. This is going to be great!” Suddenly it hits me. It’s no longer just a concept, I am actually 30. I begin to tear up. “Are these tears of joy or sadness? Am I having a second quarter-life crisis? Here I am today, 30 fucking years old.”

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The Burrito Project

If you ever find yourself feeling helpless and you’re looking for a way to give back, or simply need a place to go filled with kind people who are dedicated to helping others, you’ll find it all at The Burrito Project. Last week, I had the pleasure of volunteering with The Burrito Project for the first time…

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Surviving A Lawsuit & Learning To Stand My Ground

This is my story about going through a lawsuit. There have been countless life lessons tied in to this chapter of my life and so I am here to share my story about trusting your gut, knowing your worth, and feeling empowered to stand up against bullying. I recently attended an old friend’s housewarming party and there I befriended an upbeat and humorous gal…

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