
If you’re a creative person, I’m sure you’ve either hosted or attended a paint night or a craft day. Whether you’re a pro or a novice, it’s fun to get together with friends and decompress over the shared passion of creating. As adults, it’s often tough to coordinate schedules or prioritize down-time. I’ve had tentative plans to get together for…

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5 Tips for Creative Professionals

Are you a creative professional? Do you ever feel undermined by your personal creative process? Do you ever feel like a fraud? Do you feel like the only one in your field faking it ‘til you make it?! I’m here to let you know that you’re not the only one who feels this way. You can make anything happen. You know what you’re doing. I personally know that these thoughts can be hard to believe…

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So This Is 30

“So this is 30…what’s all the big fuss about? I’m actually excited to turn 30. A new, important chapter of my life. Kissing my 20’s good-bye. Feeling more confident and comfortable with myself than ever. This is going to be great!” Suddenly it hits me. It’s no longer just a concept, I am actually 30. I begin to tear up. “Are these tears of joy or sadness? Am I having a second quarter-life crisis? Here I am today, 30 fucking years old.”

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The Burrito Project

If you ever find yourself feeling helpless and you’re looking for a way to give back, or simply need a place to go filled with kind people who are dedicated to helping others, you’ll find it all at The Burrito Project. Last week, I had the pleasure of volunteering with The Burrito Project for the first time…

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France OohLaLa

My recent trip to France was one of the most spontaneous trips I’ve taken. I didn’t even know I was going until 2 months prior. My boyfriend and I made the decision to go almost instantly one morning in early October, while my boyfriend was checking his email and came across an offer too good to pass up. It was an incredible travel deal from Scott’s Cheap Flights

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Surviving A Lawsuit & Learning To Stand My Ground

This is my story about going through a lawsuit. There have been countless life lessons tied in to this chapter of my life and so I am here to share my story about trusting your gut, knowing your worth, and feeling empowered to stand up against bullying. I recently attended an old friend’s housewarming party and there I befriended an upbeat and humorous gal…

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This Feminist Knows It's Cold Outside & Secretly Wants To Stay

I am a feminist and I’m not angry about the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside” being played on the radio (unpopular opinion, but I actually like this song. Yeah, I said it!). I don’t believe Santa Claus should be a female or gender neutral, and I don’t care that snowmen are snowmen, although could we get more snow ladies in the making?…

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